Tuesday, 1 March 2011

All Over

Well, Jungle Book has come and gone, It was a good show, congratulations to all involved and thanks to those of you who came to see it. All that is left to do now is the final calculations to see if we broke even. This day and age if an amateur society doesn't lose money on a production it means it was a really successful show. We had good audiences in general, so with the front of house revenue we should be OK.
We will probably be meeting up shortly to have a de-brief, to see if we could have done better, and in a few short months we will be starting rehearsals for the next one. It will soon be Christmas! It's being so cheerful that keeps me going.
Keep in touch with the blog, I will find some more archive material to post before long, just to keep people's interest going.
Meanwhile if anyone has any old photos of this group please contact me, either through this mighty organ or e-mail me direct at jonesh2@sky.com

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Dress Rehearsal

Last Night (22nd Feb 2011) we had the Dress rehearsal for Jungle Book. Anyone who has ever tried to take photographs of a stage production will know that it is not easy when you have a professional grade camera and a very large flash gun. I am currently using a tiddly little hand held cheap digital camera, consequently the quality of the following photos are pretty poor.

All that is of course by way of an apology, but hopefully the pictures may just whet somebodies appetite sufficiently to attract them to come and see the show.

It is a fun show with some good music, and a group of kids enjoying themselves, what could be more heart-warming.

So tonight we open, heres hoping for some good audiences, both in quantity and quality!


Sunday, 20 February 2011

Last Rehearsal

Photos taken today - Sunday, 20th Feb 2011. only a couple of days before we open, so this was the last proper rehearsal, Technical and Dress rehearsals to follow over the next two days and we open on Wednesday. If you haven't already got your tickets it is advisable to do so now, phone 01706 214474, or call in at Neary's Helmshore.

The Set, Looking rather splendid, not too cluttered, but just right

The Chorus Looking very well drilled

Anna, making Baloo into a giant Bear, but not frightening Mogli too much!

Colonel Hathi Drilling the troop of Elephants

Oh Yes, I threatened to be rude about these two, but they don't really look like they are in the queue to join Weight-Watchers. we had to keep waking Phil up, poor soul, Emma was wide awake though, it's probably all the coffee she makes for the rest of us.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Sunday Rehearsal

One week to go!

Stage Crew....usual situation, Joanne working everyone else watching and drinking tea

They have all rehearsed so hard they are nodding off on stage

Poor Jack is so hungry, he's eating his own arm

Kaa the snake, maybe not looking as evil as it should! Hannah, Lauren and Callum following each other around!

Caroline, talking to a set of curtains ? or just chunnering because she has been banished to the kitchen

Anna, Not yet looking quite like Baloo

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Snow White 2000

I simply couldn't resist posting the image below, It is a scan of a page from the programme from Snow White and the seven dwarfs, which was performed at St Veronica's church hall on 24th, 25th and 26th February 2000

Thursday, 3 February 2011


Just a couple of Random photos from the Shoot I did last weekend, some of these may or may not appear in the programme

Thursday, 27 January 2011

10 Years ago

Here are a couple of scans from the 2001 programme

There will be more, If anyone has any interesting or embarrassing photographs, let me know, I can preserve anonymity if my palm is crossed with silver....